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About Neat Art Studio

Neat Art Studio provides handmade or hand bound books, book repair, and handmade paper for artists and book binders.

Kristi Hanson started Neat Art Studio in 2022 after a long career as a degreed librarian. Her love of books led to a lifelong desire to learn how to repair books. She attended the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts (MCBA) and earned a Core Certificate in Book Arts. Kristi learned paper making, marbling, linoleum block printing, and book binding. She worked on an internship at Cave Paper, where she learned paper making from Amanda Degener. This site is a chance for Kristi to do the art she loves and to provide a unique gift or art paper to you.

You can contact us about your order, for a book repair consultation, to order custom paper, to request information on a class, or to add a testimonial. Or check out the FAQ page to see if your question has already been answered. Customers have had nice things to say about Neat Art Studio book repair on the testimonials page. We would love to hear from you about your book repair. 

Kristi is preparing for the Moonlight Madness show in Tillamook in this photo. Our neighbors were kind enough to stop by, shop, and offer advice. Thank you and congratulations on your wedding!

Neat Art Studio booth setup

Every studio should have a cat as an artist in residence. Ragnar loves to make paper and is seen here after a day of creative inspiration. See if you can find Ragnar somewhere else on the website.
Ragnar studio cat

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