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Making Paper

Neat Art Studio makes paper by hand. Kristi recycles paper, cotton, or linen into pulp and turns it into interesting art paper and book covers. The process is as follows:

  • Torn into small pieces
  • Soaked in water
  • Ground in a blender or paper beater
  • Mix with water to make a slurry
  • Sheet formed using a mould and deckle
  • Pressed onto a felt
  • Pressed and dried

The paper making process

start with raw paper

tear it into pieces Ragnar inspects blender pulp
Raw materials an artists sketchbook tear it into pieces Ragnar inspects the paper shreds grind the paper in a blender pulp ready for forming

sheet on felt sheet detail sometimes sheet gets stuck just pulp it and make new paper Ragnar presses sheet
sheet is formed on felt the detail of handmade paper some of the sheet got stuck paper mistakes easy to fix just pulp it Ragnar presses the paper

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